All the “games done quick” have also influenced me. So I want to try that with Wizardry 8 too. And as content rich as that game is, it should be possible!
One great thing about Wiz8 is all the freedom you have to build characters: You have 6 slots and you can build anything you want in any combination. It basically screams replayability! (As a result, there are random party generators for Wizardry 8 online, to give you even more of a challenge.)

There are many classes to choose from, with or without magic, with special abilities or just plain fighters / mages. For a quick playthrough you have to know that the endgame in Wizardry can be very hard. So we will focus on a good endgame – with the result that the early game will be somewhat hard.
The best scaling classes in Wizardry are Hybrid classes. They can do magic and they can fight too. Most of them can crit which results in an instant kill and can be very helpful late game when you have to kill opponents with many hitpoints as quickly as possible – in the first combat rounds. We will go for maximum slaughter!
So our party will be composed mainly of hybrids, focusing on melee combat (as it will deal the highest single target damage). Magic will be used to support the characters, for buffs and teleports and the like. Just to make life easy for us – #FeelsGoodMan 😉
Additionally, to feature most of the game, I will integrate two “sort of” magic classes, the Bard and the Engineer: Both can fight and can use unique items in the game. The Bard uses Instruments to play Songs on to help the party (and destroy enemies, too). The Engineer can even create special items – like combining three crossbows into a tripleshot crossbow – very helpful!
We will need a Ranger to find items quickly and to have those precious ranged combat crits (with the tripleshot crossbow!) and we will use a Valkyrie for tanking and access to the divine realm of magic and its range of buffs.
To round the party up we will use two extremely high dps characters: The Monk and the Samurai. Those valiant fighters can crit extremely often and are, of course, quite cool too if you’re into that Asian Martial Arts and Samurai aesthetics thing – who isn’t? They will rampage through the opponents like there is no tomorrow.
See you next time for some meaty character building. Fun names. Fun characters. And the unique audios for each character which you get to choose too! 🙂
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