This is the start to a series around the CRPG classic Wizardry 8. One of the greatest RPGs of its time – and still tons of fun.
Thanks to Steam revamps, Wizardry 8 is back to playable and available here in a version supporting Windows:
Step by step, we will go on a journey through the rough & tough world of Wizardry 8, featuring
- A YouTube Playthrough
- A character building / attribute guide for the newbies
- Various helpful links about the game
- A unique try for a DPS oriented late game party – as the late game is even harder than the respectable early game in Wizardry 8, this will be a good starter if you want to play through the full game which isn’t easy at all
- Good Dungeon Crawling Fun on the highest difficulty setting interesting for veterans and newbies alike 🙂
- maybe even streaming if I get my provider to give me better bandwith 🙂
See you in game!