#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #5: Beating the Bug?!

…where we find another ton of Noxious (and other) Slimes, Seekers (which we eliminate easily) and run in circles until we finally feel strong enough to confront the Big Bug Boss Gregor.

Also: Me telling you about all the time you can waste (joyfully) in Wizardry 8 if you try to play this game defensively (and successful).

Tactics against Seekers – live again.

And Grim Gregor. The Mighty Menace. The fearsomest foe I could imagine in the Monastery. Will we survive?

Have fun gaming,

see you around,



#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #4 : We want 6!

…where we are in desperate need of opponents to level our girls up to 6! Who doesn’t want 6?

But when we find them, we’ll find plenty!
Tactics against many ranged opponents in enclosed areas – done easy šŸ™‚

We also encounter a new type of opponents: Seekers – devious two-legged reptiles spitting dangerous spittle at us. And we even meet a party of them (6) which would be pretty dangerous if you’d face them head on. But we… see for yourself! (Or read soon).

Also: Me arguing with myself if it’s already time for Gregor K., the giant bug blocking our progress (it is not… yet!).

Have fun gaming,
see you!



#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun 3

…where the party meets many crabs, bugsĀ and the Mini-Boss “King Crab” and disposes of them in a non-pacifist way.

Adding some tactical finesse and leveling up the girls (+guy).

Discussing item upgrades and who gets which items in our party.

Have fun watching,

Happy Gaming & see you soon!


P.S. Thanks to Wikimedia User Ianare Sevi for the featured ImageĀ Crab Picture

#Wizardry8 #Playthrough #Video 2: The #Monastery

…where the party experiences a massiveĀ slaughtering of lots of rats, bats and slimes in the lower parts of the Monastery (and avoids getting slaughtered – yet) and all of the girls (and the guy) gain massive experience (and thus level up).

Also: AĀ live introduction to basic Wizardry 8 tactics.

It might need some time still as YouTube Servers seem to not react quickly atm. Some re-production will also be done later because of that delay.

Have fun and hopefully see you around!
If you have any suggestions for me to try or to explain – write a comment anywhere on the Thoughtful Gaming pages.




Starting the #Wizardry8 #speedrun !

Party building live with explanations for an extremely offensive hardcore late game party. Have fun playing along, lurking, watching, commenting – I’m looking forward to You šŸ™‚ – Immanuel-Can

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