#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun 14 : Oh-oh – it’s magic :D

Deal with it: Two out-of-reach sorceresses paralyzing your party while a bunch of mindless morons and troublesome thugs supplies you with a thorough beating!

Also: Locations of the starting items in Trynton (as we’re reaching it).

Playing that part was a bit of a nailbiter 😀

So have fun watching & happy gaming!


#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #4 : We want 6!

…where we are in desperate need of opponents to level our girls up to 6! Who doesn’t want 6?

But when we find them, we’ll find plenty!
Tactics against many ranged opponents in enclosed areas – done easy 🙂

We also encounter a new type of opponents: Seekers – devious two-legged reptiles spitting dangerous spittle at us. And we even meet a party of them (6) which would be pretty dangerous if you’d face them head on. But we… see for yourself! (Or read soon).

Also: Me arguing with myself if it’s already time for Gregor K., the giant bug blocking our progress (it is not… yet!).

Have fun gaming,
see you!



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