#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #13 : Arnika, City of Angel Tongues

…where we return to Arnika with our bounty and Silver, the Mook ranger, gets invited over to the Mook embassy for a night (of scientific scrabble orgies probably, judging from Mook character), we also speak to a spaceship called Callisto – and we begin our way to Trynton.
Featuring many fights against plants like Acidvines and Crimson Poppies, as well as all sorts of Higardi Rogues. Such Loot (the Rogues), so money 😉
Have fun watching!
Happy Gaming,


#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #11 : Musashi’s eleven (uhhh eight)

Where we check out different stores in Arnika, raid the cellars of the local temple and to complete our barbarian ventures we also rob the bank (and the bank doesn’t even know it).

Must be Myles’ influence. Yes, that must be it. We get a nice sword for Samurai Musashi in the process, called Bloodlust! And the long-awaited stamina regen items.

See you soon with some more tips and tricks!

Happy gaming,


#Wizardy8 #Shredder #Speedrun #10 : Weekend Video Bonanza: The lost Valkyrie!

…where our party makes its way through Arnika, going to all the “standard” shopkeepers, doing the “standard” things a veteran player would do first in Arnika: Getting some nice loot and some Credit Cards for later use, freeing a beautiful and valiant Valkyrie and making the acquaintance of a suspicious but friendly rogue: Myles

I’ve been using the weekend to play some more instead of writing, so take this to chill out a bit and look at robots being shredded.

Have fun and happy gaming!

See you


#Wizardry8 #Shredder #Speedrun #9 : The Great Outdoors!

…where our party goes on a rampage on the way to Arnika. Featuring maneuver tactics in the outdoors (as in the previous post) and: Using the Bard’s Piercing Pipes to the fullest.

Have fun watching, and: happy gaming!

See you,


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